A review by omiai
The Mixed-Up Summer of Lily McLean by Lindsay Littleson


First I should say that the woman who wrote this book was actually a teacher of mine back in Primary school! And not to suck up, but one of the only teachers in primary i actually liked!

As for the book! Well! I was quite impressed. I think having had her as a P3 teacher, i was expecting a book for about that age range, however it's more for about P6-7 age (older or younger depending on reading level etc).

The story itself is lovely. It is brilliantly written from the point of view of of Lily McLean, who's family life isn't brilliant, and she seems the most normal of all her family (despite the voice she keeps hearing!). It highlights the difficulties that children face going from primary to secondary, and the changes that they go through. Her best friend is starting to drift away, becoming more popular and into boys and clothes and things. Not that Lily herself isn't growing up too, but she's just not going quite the same route as her friend. Her sister is becoming a typical angry teen, rebellious and antisocial and lily really misses the good times with her big sister.
She goes to stay with her gran for the holidays, makes a new friend who is just a little crazy, and keeps exaggerating about pretty much everything, and is a bit too reckless for Lily, but she doesn't want to lose her new friend, having been scared of losing another friend.
all the while, she keeps hearing this voice which is telling her to stay away from the water.
the story is mostly about growing up, friendship and family, but with a little bit of a fantastical twist to it.

since it's for kids, i read this book in bed one night, and it was a lovely read. Nothing too scary or anything, just a really good, enjoyable book! thanks for the story!