A review by aquamarine_coral
A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny

Did not finish book.


Did not finish. Read 50 pages

I have tried to give this series a chance but I wasn’t too impressed by the first book and the this one I just couldn’t finish. Something to do with the description of a little over weight girl and other character descriptions that bothered me. Little things here and there that just bothered me and I found there was no need to add them.

“Madame Latour stared at the huge girl and felt a bit of her lunch in her throat. Those rolls of fat, those dreadful dimples, the underwear disappearing into the flesh”

“This was probably Clara’s favorite part of trips with Myrna. Watching her get in and out of the minuscule car. Clara was pretty sure Myrna was actually larger than the car.”f
And Clara is supposed to be Myrna’s best friend.
I didn’t like Clara in the first book or in this book. I’ve heard a lot of recommendations about this series and I really tried to read it but not anymore.