A review by ___tamara___
Divergent by Veronica Roth


Re-read January 2023 Trying to finish the series, can't remember why I didn't the last time I read book one. I still liked it for the most part. I think the book is missing some hints at additional world-building in later books... I don't know if it's because the writer didn't know where the story was going to go, or if the whole series was planned as one book, or if it's just a personal choice of the author, but the world building seems scant and illogical by the time book #1 ends. Some hints that there will be further development would have gone a long way to suspend my disbelief the first time I read it. I wouldn't be even slightly interested in finishing this series if weren't for the movies to essentially spoil the rest of the story for me. Re- read April 2020 3.5 stars Read it again and enjoyed it more than the first time. Most of the stuff that kinda bothered me last time was pretty much explained in the 3rd movie, so I was able to understand some of the reactions and what I considered plot holes better. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series. July 2015 2.5 stars This is one of those times when I liked the movie better than the book. Heather K brought up some excellent points. That said, I was able to enjoy the book much more than her, mostly because I've read it without thinking so much. Which is probably because the book and the movie are basically the same. The movie is a fun way to spend an idle hour or two if you have nothing better to do, but I can't bring myself to say the book was worth the two days it took to read it.