A review by shammons
The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog by Barbara Mertz, Elizabeth Peters


I picked up this book at a library sale (paperback, so just 50 cents), thinking it was the first in this long series by Elizabeth Peters. I mixed this one up with the Crocodile on the Sandbank, which started the series off (this is book 7 in the series). Still, it was easy to pick up who was who and for the most part, what was going on. These are books about famed British Egyptologist Amelia Peabody and her husband Emerson. They live in Victorian England, but spend most of their time on adventures in Egypt, amongst mummies, pharaohs, tombs and curses.

I've learned that I get easily bored with books that go into too much detail on a specific subject. For this book, it was the Egyptology and specifics of archeology. For the John Nance book I recently read ("Saving Cascadia"), it was seismology. With the Robert Ludlum books I've read, it's weapons and guerrilla warfare tactics, etc. I prefer a cursory overview of these things, not the length and width and depth these books go into.

So, this one was just ok for me, not a winner. For once, I won't feel compelled to collect or check out from the library every book in this series. I can gladly move on to other, lighter books (my favorites being Christian fiction, chick-lit and cozy mysteries).