A review by rachelhelmer
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid


OH MY GOD this book broke me. I picked this book expecting to love it since I have loved everything from this author but this book takes the cake. It is definitely one of my absolute favorite books and it made me cry MULTIPLE times (which is really saying something for me).

I adore all of these characters and loved to get to see their journey throughout this novel. Nina was definitely my favorite though. Her journey and the things that she went though were so painfully relatable to my own life that she was the source of most of my tears in this book. Her desire to just take care of everyone even with all that she's dealing with was so heartbreaking to see. I loved seeing her grow as a character and start to be able to decide how she wants to be treated. UGH, I just loved this amazing woman.

The storyline is not a light one. I've never understood why TJR is often sold as light and fluffy reads since, at least the ones I've read, are very hard hitting. It's so interesting to see what real life looks like for the rich and famous. I don't know how accurate this actually is but her books have always hooked me right from the start. Definitely an auto buy author for me (already have Carrie Soto preordered!).

I know these books aren't for everyone but I adore them and won't ever stop recommending them. Now I need to make it through the rest of her backlist titles!