A review by akingston5
An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor

“People encounter God under shady oak trees, on riverbanks, at the tops of mountains, and in long stretches of barren wilderness. God shows up in whirlwinds, starry skies, burning bushes, and perfect strangers. When people want to know more about God, the son of God tells them to pay attention to the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, to women kneading bread and workers lining up for their pay. Whoever wrote this stuff believed that people could learn as much about the ways of God from paying attention to the world as they could from paying attention to scripture.”
The word “attention” keeps quietly appearing this year to me in a myriad of ways. The word comes from Latin meaning “to stretch forth” and since January, I have thought a lot about this: attending to what's around me, stretching forth to the world. Of course anything with Barbara Brown Taylor is going to be solid, and of course this theme of attention and attending appears throughout this memoir.