A review by lyricallit
The Chopin Manuscript by Jeffery Deaver


I had hoped for more from this novel idea - a serial audiobook: a book specifically written with its audio performance in mind. Some chapters are stronger than others, and that is clear to even the least discerning of readers. At times, certain authors seemed to hijack the plotline, giving it desperate twists or details that seemed aberrant or unprecedented. The characterization of our hero in the second chapter especially stood out to me as an example of such, as did the addition of MT Connelly.

Overall, there are just too many characters to try and keep track of. One would need a graphic organizer to clarify the connections of each person! This, of course, seems a bit silly for an audiobook. I applaud Deaver for his making it all work by the end; he does his best to untangle all the threads he's been given along the way.

On the plus side, however, there are some strong chapters, namely Deaver's; I encourage anyone who listens to make note of the chapters they do like so you have some new authors to explore.