A review by willac
From the Cradle by Mark Edwards, Louise Voss


This is a police procedural set in England. The main protagonist, Detective Inspector Lennon, is a single father living with his parents, trying to take the best care of his daughter that he can, when he is assigned a case regarding several missing children. As he works the case, each missing child reminds him of his own daughter and his traumatic past, and it is hard for him to keep his professional distance. Several times he finds himself becoming emotional because he is unable to keep his own daughter out of his mind.

I thought this book was excellent, one of the best of its type that I've read.

The character development was great, and the story was very suspenseful. The next book in this series ("Blissfully Dead") is due out the end of September.

I received this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.