A review by books_and_cocktails_afterhours
The Silverblood Promise: The Last Legacy Book 1 by James Logan


4.5 Shining Stars

The Silverblood Promise is a brilliant debut novel that somehow reminded me of The Lies of Locke Lamora and The Name of the Wind. Given how much I loved the previously mentioned books, it just goes to show how much I enjoyed reading this one.

The Silverblood Promise is a vibrant and addictive adventure that traverses the city of Saphrona with its corrupt powerful politicians, underworld kings, inquisitors, priests, mercenaries and magic. There’s definitely a grim dark atmosphere, but it is combined with an intrinsic
set of values and morality. Every character has it’s own story, struggles and flaws that make them feel so real, and yet, even if they sometimes don’t know who the good guys are, they show morality in the hard times instead of just doing what is easier.

This was beautifully written in a fast paced way that slows down just in the right moments. There are contextual moments where characters remember and share their past, but these are always relevant to the history and included in the narrative. And the action scenes are gripping and fast paced, making you unable to put the book down. And all the darkness and angst is somehow intertwined with a dry sense of humor. Lunkan had a dry humor and some clever turns of phrases, but here my absolute favorite was Flea, street urchin who tried to rob Lukan as soon as he arrives in the city and soon becomes his biggest ally and companion, matching his sharp tongue and even bigger heart.

The descriptions painted a vivid picture whilst never losing that wit that keeps you entertained. You get introduced to a huge set of characters, from street urchins to the most powerful men and women from Saphrona, without losing interest for one second. The complex political system and magic system are very well introduced in a fashion that resembles the big names in Epic Fantasy and I just can’t wait to get more of it. You can feel that there is a bigger story brewing and I’m here for it, just (not so) patiently waiting for book 2.

Overall, one of the best epic fantasy debuts I have had the pleasure of reading.

Thank you very much Quercus Books, Jo Fletcher Books and NetGallery for providing me this ARC.