A review by gerireads
Headmaster by Tara Sue Me


Why hasn't she given up? Why was she still half in love with him after all these years?

Admittedly, this author is a hit-or-miss for me. He last few books have been misses but the moment I saw the blurb for Headmaster, I just couldn't help but read it. For one, I couldn't resist the good old unrequited love trope. Second, I also couldn't resist a dead ex trope. This book had both.

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Headmaster falls smack dab in the middle of my like-dislike scale. There are certain things that I really didn't care much for while there are a few that I really, really liked.

Number one of my 'Really, really liked' list is the heroine, Mariela. She's hired by Lennox to teach in his BDSM academy, RACK. She's a submissive who's in love with the hero for a long time. And she also happens to be the best friend of Winnie, the hero's dead ex.

While she has been carrying a torch for the hero since the beginning, she wasn't a pushover. Her being a submissive is a choice. She's not timid or easily intimidated by the hero. She could hold her own. I liked how she admits her feelings for the hero without losing her independence or pitying herself, etc.

Mariela also made Lennox likable. I didn't like Lennox much but I love his banter with Mariela. I also liked the BDSM aspect to the book. It's there and it's a big part of the hero and heroine but it doesn't overwhelm the reader with the ins and outs of BDSM.

The plot was okay. There were high emotional points which I really enjoyed, while there are some stuff which I'm meh about. And that brings me to Lennox.

I'm torn about him. He's a tortured individual, so full of guilt because he chose the wrong girl and she died. His "I'm so tortured, I can't be a Dom and fall in love again" got tiring after a while. And if it hadn't been for Mariela, who I adored, I would've DNF'd this book. But to be fair, he did grow as a character.

That said there were moments where I'm not quite sure whether he fell in love with Mariela because she was more compatible than Winnie ever was. And I would totally understand if other readers would take issue with the fact that Lennox did choose Winnie over Mariela. She wasn't in his radar at all. He knew her as his girl Winnie's best friend for years. And I missed the moment where he starts to fall in love with her because at the start of the book, they already have this 'will they, won't they succumb to their feelings' thing going on.

Despite that, I still enjoyed this overall. I loved Mariela and liked their romance overall.

ARC provided by the publisher