A review by meemzter
The Encounter by Michael Grant, K.A. Applegate


We all have a cross to bear. Mine is to wander the world, knowing that the majority of people do not love Animorphs. To know that only a handful appreciate it's brilliance.


This graphic novel adaptation of Animorphs continues to be... well... the best adaptation we've ever had. (Low bar). But truthfully, it's a lovely medium for retelling these stories.

The biggest challenge in translating this to a visual medium is probably the thought speech? There are several of these books that take place 90% in morph, so it's just going to be an issue. But I think the colors work well and after a few pages I was fully locked in to Cassie == Green, Jake == Orange, etc. (But why does Marco == Gray? Rude, honestly).

I think I mentioned this in my reviews of the previous two installations, but we DO lose something with the lack of first person narration. I think it was perhaps more noticeable in this story than in previous ones because Tobias's human-or-hawk identity crisis just works better in prose. It just DOES my dudes.

Nevertheless, who cares! It's an adaptation of Animorphs! It is lovingly faithful to the original!

Is The Encounter the best, greatest, most ingenious plot? No. The execution is rushed, plus the plan itself is a mad scheme that never stood a chance in hell. But I honestly kind of love that in the early books they were fumbling around without a clue. It fits. It works. They are children and they have no idea what they are doing. Also their first wolf morph! My heart!!!

On the whole, the graphic novel adaptation probably reaches fewer emotional depths compared to the written version. But who cares!!! I'm still giddy with happiness that this adaptation exists and I will be buying and treasuring them all as long as we are lucky enough to have them.

(GOD can you imagine if we could just make it into the 20s??? The sheer majesty and perfection that is books 19-22????? PLEASE)