A review by cat_literary_world
Persépolis: a história de uma infância e a história de um regresso by Duarte Sousa Tavares, Marjane Satrapi


If you have been following me for some time, you know by now that I don’t believe in rating people’s lives and, this book being an autobiography, falls in the category. My rating relates only to how the message reaches the reader.

In “Persépolis”, Marjane Satrapi tells us how it was to grow up in Iran. She has very progressive parents and was raised, in some aspects, with a very western mentality, being sometimes difficult to cope with the changes imposed by the regime.

For me, it was not always easy to follow all the politic changes that took place during Marjane’s childhood and teenage years, but I could always felt her conflicted feelings towards what was imposed. I think the graphic novel format was a plus for fully understanding Marjane’s life and putting ourselves in her shoes. It added a lot to the book. It’s a most read, for sure!