A review by sharontherese
Collection: A Jonathan & Monica Shorts Anthology by C.D. Reiss


What a delectable anthology. I devoured Reiss’ words like tomorrow didn’t exist and if it were ever possible, fell even harder for two of my all-time favourite characters. I don’t know why I seem to start her books late at night. Maybe niggly interruptions are less likely to occur but for whatever the reason, I didn’t put the Collection down until I’d turned the last page.

For me, meeting up with Jonathan and Monica again was like going home after a long stay away. I’d seriously missed them so with Rachel’s first words, memories came flooding back. And I wanted more. Reiss never fails to deliver mouthwatering prose and her generosity towards these two incorrigible lovers who are simply meant to be, abounds.

‘I was letting him do whatever he wanted, because he was my king, and his voice let me know a king was precisely what I needed.’

Ooh my! Both are so tuned into each other that they left me speechless. Their ribbing, innuendos and Monica’s heartfelt doubts which I have no wish to divulge as they’re hers to tell, blew my mind. I couldn’t have enjoyed their honesty in and out of the bedroom more. Getting lost in their thoughts, humming do-re-mi...well, not only was I offered laugh-out-loud moments, but I never doubted Monica’s SUBMISSION to her gorgeous husband for one minute. He’s her king, she’s his goddess and together they are dynamite.

“You’re my goddess of light and beauty. You know that, right?”

Reiss has also included unpublished snippets of CORRUPTION. Flipping heck...remember Theresa and Antonio? If you’re like me and into Mafia reads, you know what you have to do. One of my top reads last year was PRETTY SCARS; Carrie and Gabriel are the couple to watch out for and Caden and Greysen in EDGE OF DARKNESS will bring out all the feels. Adam has a surprise up his sleeve for the love of his life, Diane...hmm, you’ll be able to discover if he can save their marriage in THE COMPLETE GAMES DUET.

But more to the point, what Reiss has accomplished is a very, but very titillating read with plenty of substance. She has taken her readers on a scorching hot journey right up to our beloved characters in lockdown. Haven’t one-clicked Collection: A Jonathan & Monica Shorts or any of the books mentioned yet? What are you waiting for!