A review by uhleeshuh188
Soul Bound by Mari Mancusi


Soul Bound is book number 7 in the Blood Coven Vampire Novel series and it takes Sunny and Rayne on another cross-country trip because Sunny and Magnus have to hide for their safety. Sadly Rayne, has been contacted by Slayer Inc. to find her sister and the vampire Coven leaderand bring them in. Of course Rayne doesn't want that and instead wants to find her sister and help her. Rayne's relationship with Jarreth is on the fence and not looking good. Rayne ends up finding her sister only to have royally screwed things up again and has to travel to the Underworld to strike a deal with the devil himself to save her sister.

This books has drama, action, gasp worthy scenes, will bring you to tears and rip your heart out. As these book continue on they are still labeled as YA and suitable for younger generation but I can't help but love Sunny and Rayne.