A review by kasfire
Huntress by Julie Hall


4/5 Stars

Audrey wakes up in the afterlife without memories of her life. Assigned to work as a Huntress, she trains with her fellow afterlife people to learn how to hunt demons. This novel is heavy in themes or Christianity and faith in general.

Now, I'm not the biggest believer in the Christian faith. That's not how I was raised and therefore never read many books that dealt with heavy themes of it. As an adult branching out into new genes, this was an interesting read for me.

Though I did find it a bit preachy, especially near the end, it also got me emotional. And when something that isn't even my faith can get me emotional, that's phenomenal. Yes, it was discussing having faith in God, but also in yourself and that you'd find the right path for your life. You may take a roundabout way to get there, but get there you will. And that's a good reminder for all.

To steer away from the faith aspect, this was an intriguing tale. It portrays the afterlife, not specifically heaven or hell. More of an in between world. Its always nice to see how authors think the afterlife will look.

Each character also had depth. Especially Audrey, our heroine. She wasn't defined by her previous life, unlike the rest of the characters. Readers get to watch her grow into her life as a huntress, and once her memories do return, its super emotional.