A review by crazychriss93
Let Me Love You by Megan Smith


This might have just been the best one of this series. At least, this is what I thought when I was in the process of reading the first few chapters. But then it again started to just get annoying.

Writing style: good (as always, there were quite a lot of mistakes and errors, which really annoyed me ‘cause they stopped the writing flow)
Plot: interesting (I can hardly say whether it was a good one or a bad one… Maybe the characters just annoyed the hell out of me)
Characters: okay

I would have loved to find out more about their love story, from the beginning ‘til now. This novel begins where the last one (Mason’s and Hailey’s) ends which means that we do not know when they got together and what happened between them.
I am not so sure about our man whore Coop. Why did he not approach Jay earlier?
And why are all of the guys in this series man whores?? Seriously, what is wrong with them? Can’t one of them see that the love of their life is in front of them before they have slept with half of the girls within a 50 km radius?
And no I haven’t forgotten about Jackson but still… Those two could have hit it off earlier, seriously.
I mean, we basically get to know that both have had crushes on each other. Sure, that’s exactly why Coop continually had a different girl in his bed. Nice.

About our characters, JayJay needs help. Professional help. And if pride’s in her way? Screw it! He is her best friend, he should have acted, he should have looked for help. Coop knows she suffers, when he realizes this won’t just go away, he should have acted.
I hate that Jay never told anyone. Coops keeps saying she’s so strong but is she really if she lets this guy walk away? If she lets him dictate her sleep? Sure, she seems to be fine, during the day, she can handle it - during the day but not at night. Shouldn’t that be some kind of indication?

Yeah, this is the last full book of this series and it was good, probably better than the others but still … something doesn’t sit right with me here.
And don’t get me started on this CLIFFHANGER!!! What the actual hell?? So unnecessary…
Oh yeah, and about protection and safe sex? This book, as all the others, clearly shows that not only teenagers but also grown adults like Coop who has his own career are stupid and don’t think about it. Thanks for that.