A review by ariiiiready2read
Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay


My Review… 5 ⭐️

I don’t understand why but I always find it much harder to write reviews for absolute bangers than absolute trash. With that being said, this book grabbed me from the very first line held me and choked me underwater. I absolutely needed to figure out who did it and all the pieces came together so beautifully. Alex has an amazing way of weaving together a book from over six different POV‘s and into 20 past and present. The book has so many aspects to it that threw me off the course of who actually did it. When I found out what actually happened, my jaw dropped and I was shocked.
The characters I felt for, I related to, and I really wanted the best for them. I felt connected to them and close to them and I felt like I knew them which is not something that happens often with characters, sometimes characters fall flat. This was not the case.
definitely go into this book blind like I did because holy moly guacamole you’re in first surprise.

Synopsis: Matt is the surviving son and his family that got killed on a beach in Mexico. His mom, his dad, his sister and his younger brother all died in Mexico. Matt has to bury his family himself.
Matt has an older brother in prison who is serving a life term for the murder of his girlfriend.
Upon finding out his family was killed, Matt tries to piece together what happened to his family with an FBI agent.
Things don’t go as planned.
what really happened to his family? Who is behind this mass murder? Did his older brother even kill his girlfriend?
It’s all up to Matt to find out