A review by eesh25
How to Hack a Hacker by A.J. Sherwood


Last book in the trilogy, and the one I was most looking forward to. Kyou and his stalkee were mentioned in the first book, and I've wanted to know how that story would go ever since.

Though I don't think stalking is the right word for it. For one, Brannigan knows about it, and he seems to enjoy it. They share email, texts and phone calls. He just doesn't know who K is, even after six years of their strange relationship, in which Kyou has saved Bran's life multiple times. That's all Kyou wants, you know, to look out for Bran. It's his way of repaying Bran's father, who saved K's life once. Besides, he wouldn't need to keep such a close eye on Bran if the guy would just stop getting in trouble.

But Bran wants to make the world a better place, and that's bound to make you some enemies. The latest enemy is part of the Irish mob. And because of that, and a clever 10-year-old, it's not just K looking out for Brannigan, but the entire team. And they're very determined that Bran finally meet K.

And let's be honest, it needed to happen already. I mean, six years. At this point, no one was buying that K's only concern was repaying Bran's father. Not to mention that the two have been flirting for a while now, and the only thing really standing between them and a happily ever after, is Kyou insistence on not telling Bran who he is, or meeting him in person. And no, his concerns aren't unfounded. His workaholic nature has come between relationships before, and it makes sense that he doesn't want to risk losing Bran for good. But six years.

Anyway, we have trouble with a mob family, Ivan being... Ivan, Ari who needs to spend less time with Ivan, ol' reliable Carter, an unusually smart ten-year-old, Brannigan trying to make K see that they could work, and Kyou, who needs to sleep more. It makes for quite the team-up. And it's a lot of fun.

Also, I think that this book being shorter than the others works in its favour because we don't get drops in fun/action/excitement, which is something that happened in both the previous book. This is a very mellow series. And mellowness can sometimes be boring if it goes on too long. By making the book shorter, the author reduced the chance of that. Not that I didn't like the other two books, I just found this one to be more consistent throughout.

Overall, this was a great series, and I will definitely be reading more books by the author. Past and future ones.