A review by riranael
Positive Psychotherapy: Workbook by Tayyab Rashid, Martin Seligman


A very useful workbook. I've used it with adolescent groups in a residential facility for several months and have also used ideas from it in individual therapy with young adults. While some worksheets can be copied for use in class, I created most of my own handouts so that it would fit the needs of the age level/audience. It also provides ideas/structure for conducting the time in the group and additional resources that can be useful such as online videos, websites, extra readings, etc. As the web rapidly changes, some of the resources are already out of date and unavailable but one can readily find adequate substitutes with a Google or Youtube search. I've been reading about Positive Psychology for several year so this book wasn't a stretch. I might recommend another or supplemental title if this is your very first exposure to it.