A review by rebbierae
Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham


This was an interesting book--at first I didn't think I was enjoying it because the main character would say something I really didn't get, and it kept making me wonder if i missed an important plot point--so much so that more than once I went back and re-read the previous page. Until I finally figured out that was the author's style, to feed you bits and pieces, and the rest would come out later. Had an interesting twist at the end that I wasn't even sure was for real, until the author assured me in the afterword that yes, it IS indeed real.
I normally love "brit lit" and feel like I know lots of the slang, etc. but I was stumped a few times, as this book is VERY British. Some of the terms, I'm still not entirely sure what they meant!
Towards the beginning I really didn't feel very much for Fiona, the protagonist of the book--she seemed so cold and unflinching and I just didn't really care about her, which made it a bit hard to want to continue...but then literally in the turn of a page, I DID care about her and what happened to her, and I wanted her to 'win'--the case, the man, and in life as well! Now that I've finished the book I'm looking forward to Mr. Bingham's next novel so I can see how Fi is doing!