A review by sarah_toast
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 6: War Stories by Marguerite Bennett


I love the bombshells series. I really really do. But this issue, for a finale of sorts, lacked something. Maybe because I’m sad we haven’t seen two of the three main characters in any of the recent issues. Maybe because I’m not keen on all the characters they focused on in this issue because their stories were rushed or pushed to the side. I wi give them this. It concluded A LOT, but NOT ALL in only a couple of issues. Which is great for the type of finale this is. And it left me with enough curiosity to keep reading. I can’t give this one five stars like I can give the other ones, again maybe that’s partially my own fault for hyping the series for myself so much. But the bombshells concept - it’s narrative, art style, way of painting the picture, of reimagining old characters in new ways - I love it. So I’m still marking it as a favorite.