A review by julianicole
Dark Horse by Kate Sherwood


I really want to give this book 3 stars and I have gone back and forth over it but I can't. After reading all the positive reviews I wanted to love this book but I almost feel like I read a different version than others.
The first part was so sad and depressing...and almost confusing and so slow. I don't love when books are only told from one perspective and this one being told only from Dan's eyes I feel like we don't fully understand what was going on with the relationship between Evan and Jeff. Which I feel is a major part of the story! Them struggling with their open relationship and feeling unfulfilled is what drew them to wanting something with Dan. But we don't get an inside view of that we only get the same confusion Dan is feeling.
Then the second part was just as confusing. I feel like if you are going to have a story involving horse training you need to be aware that you are going to have readers that know nothing of that world and might need a bit more to understand what's going on if you are going to include so much of it in the storyline. I'm also not sure if the Ryan part of the storyline is needed (other than to give you some sexy time before the very end?)
My last thought is you don't get any of the romance or sexy action until the very end (at least not between all three of them together). Which is fine I guess...but I'm not going to lie and say that's not one of the main reasons I read mm(m) romance books!