A review by zaineylaney
In Nightfall by Suzanne Young


Are you a fan of 80s movies with a touch of fantasy and a summer beach setting? This YA Horror book has it -
Trip to Grandma - Theo and her brother are going on a summer visit to their grandma’s house with their dad, in the town of Nightfall, Oregon
Beautiful People - it’s quiet, cloudy, and filled with beautiful people their own age.
Podcast - and due to the upcoming festival, Theo even meets a podcast duo who talks about scary things.
Town Secrets - and they think they have uncovered some of the town’s secrets

This is not spoilers because it even says this on goodread, but it is compared to The Lost Boys meets Buddy the Vampire Slayer. You know going into this what is happening to this town. You will see so many similarities to The Lost Boys. You will feel like you are in an 80s movie, except the characters all have cell phones. But there are still some pretty awesome twists in this book, and it finally got me out of my reading slump this month.