A review by raven168
The Last Vampire: Book Two by R.A. Steffan, Jaelynn Woolf


3.5 stars
Definitely better than the last one. The only reason I didn't give it four stars was because I really hate it when the main character does something supremely stupid...Like giving themself up to the enemy in exchange for another's life/freedom. When does that ever work!? I really enjoyed the happy fun times between Rans and Zorah though.

Rans is bound and determined to figure out a way to help Zorah get her dad back from the Fae. Or at the very least, find out if he did indeed betray her. While he is busy calling everybody he knows and looking for any help or ideas, Zorah is already making plans of her own. Plans that do not involve Rans.

Her decision to turn herself over with help from Tinkerbell (I can't remember how to spell his real name) was rash and stupid. And boy does she pay for it. While she does find her father, she is immediately taken away to a prison cell of a sort. There she tortured, but not in the typical sense. More in the magical sense. So maybe it's better to say that she is put thru immense suffering before being hauled in front of their ruling body to receive her death sentence.

Imagine everyone's surprise when Rans shows up to save her in the only way he found out how. It's a dangerous bond he has formed, but he has no regrets. To say he is angry would be a vast understatement. But he learned something there that he had suspected all along. As a side note, it was awesome what happened to all the plant life around him while he was there.

We do learn a bit more about some things here, but nothing compared to the surprise at the end when it's figured out what Zorah's true heritage is.