A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Wager by Rachel Van Dyken


*I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
The Wager was a good follow up to its predecessor, and I did enjoy it. However, there were a few things that ended up seeming a little unrealistic. I usually try to turn my brain off while reading these kind of novels, but this one just had flaws that were too much to ignore.

I liked Char and I thought she was hilariously funny and strong. Which is why it amazed me that she ended up giving Jake a second chance. It just struck me as odd because she was so determined not to give him a second chance. Especially after Char mentions that after he fails to stick up for he rafter a high school bully calls her fat, and that started a 2 year battle with bulimia. That made me so mad, because it can be something as simple as that to start something so deadly but to forgive the person who did that especially when they never apologize just seemed wrong. He did do some things that really redeemed him in my eyes, but I just felt like she forgave him so quickly.

Jake was a hard character to like because he knew he was a jerk and he accepted it. He did feel bad about the way he treated people, but he also felt like he deserved it. It really bothered me because Jake seemed so damaged, and yet I couldn’t really find a reason why he should be. His life had always been filled with privilege, his parents loved him, and he had women falling all over him. So it just struck me as odd that he was so determined to push Char away.

I did really like this novel and I felt Rachel Van Dyken did a great job with the characters. Jake was charming and redeemable while Char was feisty but kind. Grandma was of course the best part of the entire book, because she was just one feisty old lady who never gave up.

I would probably give this book 3 out of 5 stars because while I did suspend my brain and really enjoyed the book. There were enough red flags that they stuck with me even after I finished.

* This book was first reviewed on Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2013/11/the-wager-by-rachel-van-dyken.html*