A review by rebicon
Cash Delgado Is Living the Dream by Tehlor Kay Mejia


Overall, I really enjoyed the book and I liked the mentions of Sammy to bring everything together.

Cash is a single mother who runs a bar for this couple who likes to go away on trips regularly. Inez, Cash’s best friend, helps her with the bar and, well, just life in general. I loved their dynamic and Cash’s whole journey if rediscovering who she truly is as I believe everyone does that throughout their lifetime to figure out what they truly want. I like Granny, Mars, and Jaz and their respective roles in helping Cash through her journey.
However, the one thing that truly irked me throughout the entire book is that Parker, Cash’s six year old daughter, doesn’t sound like a kid the majority of the time. I felt like things were thrown in to enforce she was a young kid and those made sense but I’ve never met a six year old who uses the word navigate or turn a conversation around on a parent to ask how they were really doing. A lot of her thought processes seemed to jump between adult and kid for me and that really threw me off. I understand that kids pick things up all the time from those around them but it seems far fetched to me. I also was trying to figure out what happened to Inez’s girlfriend that I could have sworn was mentioned in the beginning. I knew Inez wasn’t happy in the relationship and I totally could have missed that they broke up but I didn’t catch it, especially before she went out in a sate with someone else.

I received an eArc from Penguin Random House through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.