A review by crimyami
Burning Alive: The Sentinel Wars by Shannon K. Butcher


Shannon K. Butcher takes you into a world somewhat like our own but slightly altered. We meet the Sentinel's that protect humans from the Synestern. We meet three Sentinels, Zach, Thomas, and Drake. Drake our main hero and Helen our heroine are two opposites of each other. This book is packed with heart wrenching suspense. With a tad bit of paranormal and alot of romance packed into this book its one that you'll have trouble putting down. Helen grows to love the man she thought was going to kill her, because of that love she's able to get through the hardships of it all. Women are cherished by the Sentinel's and you discover why and the hardship that they live. Its a lovely romance book, with just a touch of paranormal in it to spice it up. I'm not one for pure romance books, but I have to say that I did enjoy this book and thinking of buying the other books from this series.