A review by rellimreads
The Easy Way by May Archer


Audible. Also available via KU.

This is my first book by May Archer and I’m definitely sucked into The Way Home series now. The Easy Way kicks off the series by bringing together two opposite men as they try to solve they mystery of a plane crash nearly a year earlier. This will best be enjoyed understanding that the mystery/suspense aspect is secondary to the romantic and sexual relationship developing between Cam & Cort. I would consider this fairly low angst though there is quite a bit of deception on Cort’s part. While our MCs get their HEA, the story arc surrounding the crash and other mysteries will be spread over several books. This book doesn’t really stand on it’s own in that respect.

I do wish the author had chosen some more unique names for the characters as both the MCs and a secondary character had names beginning with “C” and three of the secondary ones had names starting with “D”. It made for some mental gymnastics at times to sort out who was who especially when all three were in/discussed in a scene at once.

Overall, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to The Long Way making it to audio.

Michael Dean did an excellent job here. Even with an large, and almost entirely male, cast he gave each character a unique sound that fit well with their descriptions in the story.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from Gay Romance Reviews and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.