A review by literary_lizard
Miscreations: Poems by Grant Loveys


If you enjoy poetry packed full of metaphors, you'll love Miscreations by Grant Loveys. This collection brought me back to my university classes, where I had to re-read poems multiple times and really think about each word in order to understand the meaning. The main themes, as stated in the description, focus on how things can be "created from unstable, often opposing, elements." However, what stood out to me was the idea that even in bad situations, something positive could come out and flourish. Sure, it's not perfect, but it still exists and is valid in its own way.

One poem in particular, "The Moth and the Porchlight," stood out to me. The lines in this one were fairly simple, with a straightforward meaning, but the imagery was beautiful and really stuck with me well after reading it.

If you're looking for poetry that will give your brain a workout, pick up this collection.

Thank you to the publisher, ECW Press, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.