A review by cgroup6
A Cowboy Like You by Donna Grant


Thanks to Netgalley & St. martins press for this ARC! This is my honest review.

“Danny Oldman, the handsome Lone Star sheriff, is still single. He tells himself, and anyone who asks, that he is married to his job—and what matters most is keeping the people of his beloved Texas hometown safe. The truth? Danny still hasn’t gotten over his high school crush, Skylar. She moved away after graduation and took Danny’s heart with her.”

I love a good reunion story! This one included an interesting twist with Skylar being on the run from an abusive boyfriend - made even more appropriate since I read this story during #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth. As with the other books in this series - Donna Grant does a great job of weaving in action with romance! I liked that the police actually took her story seriously - that is something that (in real life) is unfortunately not as common as it should be.

I do highly recommend reading the other three books that came before this one - they provide a nice background on the characters.