A review by amber_lea84
Why We Get Sick: The Hidden Epidemic at the Root of Most Chronic Disease―and How to Fight It by Benjamin Bikman


This is one of those books where everything the author says might very well be true, but the way it's presented makes me skeptical. You know, very much "here's proof these other things are bad and dumb, but this one diet is great! Works for everyone! Do it now!" He's definitely trying to sell you an idea. There's no section of precautions for a low carb high fat diet, which I know isn't safe for everyone, especially if you make the change very suddenly. I never trust anything that's presented as all sunshine and rainbows.

That being said, this book is much better than other "low carb diet" books. It doesn't feel super slimy.

This is one of those situations where I'm not going to go through and check the references because I just downloaded the audiobook to have something to do for five hours. But if a low carb diet book is what you're looking for this one is probably the best one I've read? The author sounds like a reasonable person and he doesn't say anything super outrageous. He's basically saying what we all already know: refined carbs are bad. Don't eat them.