A review by papi
Dead Zero by Stephen Hunter


Stephen Hunter returns to the Bob Lee Swagger, with a big surprise at the end. I won’t reveal what it is (I hate to be the guy who ruins the surprise for others). But it’s a whopper, and yet, it somehow fits with the Bob Lee Swagger saga. Hunter shows his trademark knowledge of the details of hoplophilia in this latest novel, one of the reasons I keep coming back to his books. One of my pet peeves is when authors pretend to know and understand gun craft, but really don’t. I suppose anyone who knows a bit about something has a similar reaction – my cop friends tell me this is why they don’t watch cop shows on TV, and my doctor friends say the same thing about doctor shows. There is a new show about a mediator on TV, and I haven’t watched it for fear that it will simply annoy me (after twenty years mediating disputes).

Anyway, back to Dead Zero. Pretty good, suspenseful right to the end, but all the pieces were wrapped up nicely by the time it finished. As satisfying as a fictional story of this sort can be, though fairly violent, as Hunter’s novels tend to be. Certainly not for the squeamish.