A review by thoroughlymodernreviewer
Doctor Who - The Lost Stories: Mind of the Hodiac by Russell T. Davies, Scott Handcock



It's a cool premise, but the pacing is <em>beyond</em> painful. In a way, it's a perfect representation of Classic Who. But that's also its biggest problem. It's abundantly clear the story, itself, never really left the initial draft phase. Scenes just go on and on, ambling aimlessly towards resolutions. And the tension just never truly builds up. That being said, there's a morsel of a great idea here. It's just a shame it's buried underneath a lot of otherwise meaningless guff. The emotional core works relatively well, and all of the actors give a respectable performance. It's just one of those stories that never really takes off. When it works, it's enjoyable. But when it doesn't work, it's a bit difficult to get through.