A review by mslizalou
HOT & Bothered by Lynn Raye Harris


Review copy provided by publisher

I've been a fan of Lynn Raye Harris for years and love all her books, but love her HOT series best of all. I'm so glad to see Ryan "Flash" Gordon finally get his story.

I was so glad to see Emily and Ryan become a couple. Emily needed someone in her life to love her for her no matter what has gone on in her past. Of course her sister Victoria has always been that person for her, but she has never had a man who loved her just because she is Emily. I loved that Ryan and Emily were friends first. Ryan was the one person Emily could talk to after coming home to the states following the death of her husband. When Emily decides she must clear her name no matter what, Ryan is the one person she must see before she leaves, and what a last night they have together. The chemistry has always been there between Ryan and Emily, and only got stronger once they made love.

I loved that when things with Emily's mission got bumpy, Ryan and other members of HOT came in for the assist. I love so much about Ryan and Emily as a couple, but one point that really sticks out to me is how protective they are of each other. Yes they have smoking hot sex and off the charts chemistry, but their protective instinct for one another just got me. Not that I didn't want to punch Ryan in the neck a few times for being so overprotective, but he is too Alpha not to be that way. I loved watching Emily find herself and become stronger because of it in Hot & Bothered.

As will all of the HOT books, there is lots of action and several nail biting moments, which I've come to expect and love about the series. I have to say there were a few moments I was totally holding my breath as I read this book. Of course, we also got some time with my favorite HOT guy of the bunch, Col Mendez, who I hope so hard will finally get his book soon!

I can honestly say while I've loved all the HOT books so far, Hot & Bothered is my favorite in the series to date. I can't wait to see where the HOT series goes in the future.