A review by kirchersmiles
Flower Shields by C.A. King


Flower Shields (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 1) by C.A. King

5 Stars

This is my second book by this author and I loved it as much as I did the first one I read. Creative writing at its finest!! This storyline was awesome and was fun to read, the characters and how they all interacted with each other made me smile and sometimes LOL. I never knew from one page to the next what was going to happen with Tara but I knew she was in trouble, and I loved Michael and even though he didn't understand why he was supposed to protect her, he did.

I loved the prologue, it all made sense somehow, usually i get lost in the beginning and it takes me awhile to understand what's going on while reading this genre, but this author's words were written perfectly and I never had to go back to figure something out.

I can't wait for the rest in this series, I'm really looking forward to each of the Horse”men”s stories, and also Im thinking theres a whole lot more to Dante that is left to be discovered. I see him showing up quite a bit in what's to come.

Excellent Book, I love this authors style and will not only be watching for the next in this series but also everything else this author has available.

Loved It!!!