A review by emily_loves_2_read
A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron


A Tale of Two Princes
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 1/10/23
Author: Eric Geron
Publisher: Inkyard Press
GR: 3.47

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Inkyard Press and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

My Thoughts: I loved the premise of this story. A hospital mix-up leads to two princes on opposite sides of the world and accidentally meet when both are in New York. Getting the prince ready for the ceremony turns out to be much more challenging than initially thought. This book covers an array of issues, character growth, and just an easy read. This story explores how royals could maintain the facade, homophobia, how intrusive the media can be, and how much family matters.

The overall tone is portrayed as light hearted. I loved the societal issues this book tackles. The story is narrated in a dual POV by both Billie and Edward. There are splashes of media excerpts, which I enjoyed. Billie from Montana is strong, family-oriented, and secure in his sexuality. Edward from Canada, is quite the opposite, not secure in his sexuality, starts with being selfish, but has a lot of character growth. My favorite supporting character has to be Pax, he is fun, lighthearted, doesn’t take life too seriously, and is the life of the party. The characters were developed well with depth, witty banter, and creatively built up. The author placed a note at the beginning of the book, which I appreciated. The author’s writing style was clean, humorous, engaging, and intriguing.

Overall, this was a light, fun read. While some of the premises in this book may seem far fetched, that is not what the story impresses, it more about not being put in a box and how perception image does not always match up, and lastly, it is about following your dreams, always. I recommend picking up this lovely story.