A review by rebicon
The Great Witch of Brittany by Louisa Morgan


Overall, I thought this was a good book, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I might not be the target audience. However, I still enjoyed bits and pieces of it and thought parts of the story were interesting but it didn’t draw me in. The flow of the book was a little staggering and I think the time jumps between Ursule’s life might have played a role in that. I liked the fact that this spanned over Ursule’s lifetime but I felt a disconnect when time jumped. Not all the time, but for the majority of the book. Based on the description it wasn't the type of book I was expecting (I think due to the writing style), but again there were key elements of the story that I throughly enjoyed. I just thought it was slow, so it took me a while to finish.

I really liked the relationship between Ursule and her mother, the relationships she forms throughout her life, and how not everything is perfect in Ursule’s life. There are real elements to the history side of things, the relationships that you can connect with, and the fact that life can be hard, with any obstacle thrown your way.

I have not read any other books by Louisa Morgan and didn’t know that it was connected to her other books until after I read it. You do not have to read the other books to understand this story. It is its own piece.

I received an eARC from NetGalley for an honest review.