A review by thebusybookmom
The Damaged by Tijan


Tijan jumps right back into the story leaving me with a whiplash so great I am still reeling after turning the last page. This world is so unlike anything Tijan has ever written, and I feel it is by far her best work yet. The twists, turns, and drops will keep you on a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions from the beginning to the end. This story is so tightly woven with intricate details there are no good places to take a break. Be prepared to devour this book in one sitting leaving everything you need to get done for later.

Bailey's world continues to be rocked, but having Kash by her side does provide some relief in all the upheaval. Being a Francis definitely comes with a bunch of headaches that only scratched the surface in the first book. We get a closer look into the villains, and the people looking to make the Francis family and Kash pay. Bailey transitions into a new part of her life with a growth,and confidence that is needed. We see more sides to Kash that helps his charcter become more relatable. Matt, Bailey's brother, provides some great comedic relief. New charcters are introduced while others take a backseat, and still others move from the background forward.

This book ends with yet another huge cliff hanger. I find myself in this bittersweet state of having the privilege of reading an extremely early copy, but having to wait months to find out more.

I got an early copy of the ARC from the publisher, St. Martin's press, through netgalley.

@tijansbooks #TheDamaged #Tijan @smpromance #SMPRomance