A review by kylita
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha


3.5 Stars—Bold and insightful, I devoured If I Had Your Face in one sitting.

I did not expect this book to resonate with me on so many personal levels. To be honest, I thought Frances Cha had written a historical fiction novel, so I was expecting more revolution and less present day issues. I am so glad, though, that she wrote such flawed characters that have similar plights to the average gal, but also showed a bit of Korean culture on its way.

Growing up, the highways were (probably still are) plastered with plastic surgery billboards. The obsession with how I looked and how it related to my value ran (runs) deep and it was heartbreaking to see myself in these women who held themselves to impossibly high beauty standards.

The importance of deep connection in female friendships was an appreciated theme as well.

The chapters in If I Had Your Face were episodic, almost like short stories, so that was an obvious win for me. I love when I can digest chapters on their own.

I wasn’t in love with how the story ended, but maybe it is because I could have stood to read more?

I also felt like it was trying to cover a lot of ground and some of the execution felt slightly off, but not enough to deter me from reading .