A review by martasrsly
The Enforcer by HelenKay Dimon


From 4 to 3 starts, only because I've read the next novel in the series (and the novella) and liked them better than this one.

Kayla Roy was the only one that survived the massacre that happened to her friends while she was in the shower. That was more than a decade ago and she has been hiding ever since, changing her name, her job and the place she lives in. And that was fine. Until she met Matthias Clarke. Matthias, who was tasked with finding her by his birth mother who gave him up to the foster care system. His mother is sure that Kayla was the one responsible for Matthias' little brother death - she was the only one to survive after all.
Matthias is going to find Kayla, check if she is the real murderer. But things get complicated when there is an electric attraction between these two and somebody wants Kayla dead.

I would have liked the book more if the main hero was just better. Better written, more fleshed out. Kayla was definitely the star of the book (along with all the secondary characters) but Matthias was just... there. If there was one word I would describe him it would be "meh". Kinda forgettable duded.

I like Kayla, liked how she thought and that she was a survivor. Her secret was a surprise and not in the good way, but it was plausible.

Overall, a good and a quick read, but definitely the weakest book of the series.