A review by tiffanywang29
Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little


I don't know about this book...I mean the plot was intriguing and the characters all had strong personalities, but I had some trouble following at some parts. First of all, the characters were wayyy too inter-related (like too many cousins and siblings). Plus, it was awkward how sometimes I would forget that Jane is only 27 instead of some 40 year old woman. The generation lines were also slightly unclear because I think Rue, Renee, Jane, Leo, and them are all the same "generation" even though Rue is 17 and Leo is probably 35, which made it all the more confusing. The ending was also unsatisfying. The climax built up to some great revelations, but then the end was like letting go of a balloon right after blowing it up-there wasn't a long, drawn out happy ending, but there also wasn't a popping BAM THIS HAPPENED NOW IT'S OVER. <--this happened, but then there was a little more that left so many things unresolved even after so many things were resolved. I don't know how to feel.