A review by haimson
Killed: Great Journalism Too Hot to Print by David Wallis


highlights include:
A really in-depth article about J.H. Hatfield, the author of the controversial W. Bush biography Fortunate Son, who died shortly after the book was published. Many leftists argue that his death was not really a suicide, as it was reported. This article exposes Hatfield as a liar and criminal throughout his life, which lessens the credibility of the biography. Too bad, since I'd love to believe that the Bush party had something to do with Hatfield's death. Now, someone will need to do an in-depth analysis of the character of Mark Schone, who wrote this article.

An article exposing The Body Shop as a hypocritical, evil company, despite its social activist image. Sadly, this company is still in business, though it is now owned by Loreal. It's founder, Anita Roddick, died in 2007, which I can't say is a bad thing.

There are a few other good articles, but much of this book is actually pretty boring, making the reader wonder whether some of these articles were Killed for good reason.

No wonder it's a remaindered book. Too bad those two articles were never published; now, their potential audiences are quite small. Let me know if you want to borrow this!