A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
Fable by Adrienne Young


Author: Adrienne Young

Fable her childhood included many challenges. Her dad is a stately influential trader in the Narrows. Little Fable grows up in the midst of pirates. Braving rough waves is something she is exposed to on a daily basis. Fable's life changes abruptly when her mother drowns during a heavy sea storm.

While being in the middle of mourning Fable is left behind by her dad on a island named Jeval. There she need to learn how to survive alone. The island Jeval introduce fable to many challenges. Fable her main goal is to escape as soon as possible.

Despite the fact that her father abandoned her Fable still dreams about seeing her father again. Her biggest wish is to demand a place inside her father's crew.

When a trader named West cross Fable her path she is drawn again towards the adventurous unpredictable waves of the sea. While the dark shadows of her father's rivals await her she need to keep fighting to show her vigorous side.

I was introduced to the popularity of this duology last year. When i heard that this duology was going about pirates and sea adventures i was sold. The first chapters quickly pulled me into the sea.

Fable is a strong female character. I also enjoyed that the author created LGBT characters. With that she showed a different perspective on the regular pirate stories. The plot was so nerve racking and well written.

Trigger warnings: