A review by jade_courtney
Brothers to the Death by Darren Shan


This was with out a doubt my favourite in the series/saga! I found the others dry in parts but I couldn't stop reading this and sped through it surprisingly quick.

The only bone there is to pick is that it wasn't the best ending in the world. It was just... OK. What I mean by this is that it was the last we would read of Larten and the world of Darren Shan. We didn't want a big bang because by this stage we are far too sentimental but something that sticks with us. But the last page made me excited enough so OK.

If you have read the saga of Darren Shan/ The cirque du freak series then you must read this one!

Thoroughly enjoyed.

Looking back I have discoverd issues with it! I still really like it but the way Darren set out an promoted it annoyed me!
Probably not my favourite looking back but not terrible.