A review by nefelii
Becstar by Chris Fernandez, Joe Corallo


Thank you to Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for a copy in exchange for an honest review

2.5 ⭐

To begin with, the art in this graphic novel was stunning. It added to the story, i liked the way it presented the past and present and I really enjoyed it.

I wish I could say the same for the actual plot though :/

Becstar is a star hopping mercenary-gone-full time-gambler light years away from Earth. Leaving her old life behind with the help of her magical luck dagger and her fan-turned-regret filled-friend Sally Soolin, Becstar ekes out a living under the nefarious Shadow Syndicate's radar. But when a mysterious girl appears with grim news and an urgent quest where the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, Becstar has no choice but to join... and regret it immediately.

The world building, the characters and the relationships were really confusing to say the least. None of the characters were particularly interesting, they felt falt and kind of shallow. The world building was undevelopped, I couldn't understand anything for a big part of the book and that's why it took me so long to finish it.

This could have easily been volume 2. I wish we got to know more about our main character Becstar and her origins. I just felt like I started reading a story that had already begun.

I didn't feel any connection to the characters. Perhaps the character I liked the most was Sally, Becstar's best friend, because she was such a great friend and always there for the others!

This is my short review for [b:Becstar|57958647|Becstar|Joe Corallo|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1620262605l/57958647._SY75_.jpg|90812354] :)
I wouldn't recommend the book, but that is just my personal opinion and anyone is allowed to like it. Others may find it interesting but for me a lot of parts needed more explanation.