A review by celltheory
Desperada by Sofia Mostaghimi


This book was incredible and blew me away. It took me a while to get into it and I had no idea what to expect, but Mostaghimi’s writing is beautiful and haunting. She created an entire world of characters that felt believable and real. It follows Kora who is struggling after the loss of her younger sister who drowned when they were on a family vacation. She quits her job and goes to Iceland on a whim, then begins traveling. Desperado feels extremely internal and tightly follows Kora’s point of view. I found her delightful as a main character, which feels odd to say in a book that deals with such heavy topics. She might come across as unlikeable to some, but I appreciated being inside of her head. She was complicated and messy and lost, but she was interesting, genuine, and forgiving. I was fond of multiple side characters - Zo, Kat, and Carly especially. I thought the structure of the book, split through each place Kora visits, worked really well. The pacing was steady and Kora’s journey of avoiding her grief, dealing with it, and accepting it was beautiful. I was surprised by how much I liked the ending and would definitely recommend it.