A review by thomcat
World Without End by Joe Haldeman


Of the two Star Trek adventures written by [a:Joe Haldeman|12476|Joe Haldeman|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1630694226p2/12476.jpg], this is the better one - probably because he wasn't working from another author's manuscript. The characters feel right, the situation is interesting - even if the ending is a bit rushed.

Fitting a full story into 150 pages may have some similarities to fitting a story into a single episode - without the advantage of imagery. A very interesting setup and unusual complications are followed by a rapid-fire conclusion with some out-of-place humor.

This is the 90th book finished this year, and coincidentally the 9th (of 12) in a "Star Trek reading challenge" on the website WorldsWithoutEnd. I've already completed three other challenges, reading 3 science fiction and fantasy books more than 100 years old, reading 9 sequels, and reading 12 books by female authors I haven't read before. Pretty sure I can squeeze three more of Bantam's Star Trek Adventures in this year - I read this one in about 3½ hours.