A review by arielareads
El signo de los cuatro by Alejandro Pareja Rodríguez, Arthur Conan Doyle, John Coulthart


The novel is amazing, it's astonishing and breath-taking to watch the ways Sherlock Holmes solves all the riddles that he is putted into. I think that's part of why I'm in love with him, because he is kind of a role model to me and I want to become just like him so bad...
Anyway, the story was sticky and wild (it scared me a little bit to be honest thanks to those creepy descriptions in the beginning with that smiling-death). And, I wasn't expecting the romantic part, which also scared me because I thought that Watson may leave Sherlock Holmes, but I know for facts that he won't do that (the other books which I believe are narrated by Watson).
Also, the end was kind of sad but glorious at the same time to me.Yes, he only got himself, but hell yeah he got Sherlock Holmes, he got his mind and he got his own company that should be the greatest of honors.