A review by jackiehorne
A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss



A 44-year-old English chef/restaurant owner leaves her philandering husband of 20+ years after catching him for the first time in the act of cheating, and after a fortnight of grieving in a hotel, lands a job as a caretaker for a seaside house/former café. And fits right in with the locals. Except for the nephew of the homeowner. By which we know he's going to be her love interest.

But as he doesn't even appear on page until 42% in, you're not getting a romance here. You're getting a cosy, nostalgic, rather bland small town women's fiction.

"It sounds pretty insular when I talk about it, but it's really not like that. It's just a community that didn't forget how to be a community. They look after each other. It's nice." (358)

The word "nice" appears 30+ in the book. Which tells you a lot...