A review by i_love_audiobooks
Prey by Linda Howard


2 hours into audio and nothings happened. snore! the heroine has put her house up for sale and yelled at the hero. that's about it! just 2 hours of setup, cheesy backstory (personal details about the 2 main characters backgrounds, cheesy sentimental shit which makes you say "who cares??" after several minutes and scream "get to the story!!!", blah blah blah. also, you can tell by every "setup detail" exactly what's going to happen in the story, because the author is so blatantly covering all her bases for later events (like emphasizing how the heroine has made sure to pack the large size canisters of bear spray before her hunt in the woods, and mentioning that she didn't have the money for a satellite phone ever since her father died - oh darn do you think she might need one later in chapter whatever when the bear attacks her???, that she's giving away too much of what's going to happen! duh!!! the most exciting part so far was a hiker who got eaten by a bear in the woods. that part was written very well.
should i go on? sure - there's too much to be learned from crap writing!

The author draws out each scene way way too long. Like she's just trying to extend her word count. Also the chapters from the point of view of them that he I are throwaways. From the point of view of the bad guy those chapters were boring and I think should've been throwaways. I could have done without the scene from the bear's POV, yes, really. Although the bear was more interesting than the bad guy.
The part where he saves her carries her out of the forest in the middle of a thunderstorm that was written very well I enjoyed that. That's the kind of seeing you want to have that makes her hero look really good. That sets up the kind of tension that's awesome.
There is way too much inner dialogue. There should just be more action. Or just make it a shorter book.

The author repeats so many things too. The Hero will relate an event to the heroine that we already know about, so we have to listen to it twice - it's tedious and something to avoid as a writer.

Well I saw what was coming plot-wise, so, skimmed through the big climax at the end, the bear/villain attack in the woods, because, who cares.
Oh dear it ends with a marriage.